Your JOFI Job Fit Report provides details about your unique characteristics and strengths.
And it provides a list of top fit job families to help you discover your career path and next job. Take some time to carefully review your report.
Download Your Job Fit Report
You should already have your JOFI Job Fit Report, if not you can download your report here.
There are three versions of the report based on ONET Job Zones. Job Zones indicate the level of preparation needed for jobs included in those zones:
- Job Zone 1: Little Preparation – No or little job experience, some require High School or GED
- Job Zone 2: Some Preparation – Some previous work-related skills and some job training
- Job Zone 3: Medium Preparation – Previous work-related skills and vocational training
- Job Zone 4: Considerable Preparation – Considerable skills and some require bachelor’s degree
- Job Zone 5: Extensive Preparation – Extensive skills and master’s degree, Ph.D., M.D., or J.D.
Depending on your starting point and your goals, you may want a report that shows all five job zones or a report that focuses on fewer zones. You can download the best report for you here:
You are using Career Navigation as a public visitor. In order to see your reports, save favorite occupations, and create a career plan, you need to take the JOFI assessments and then use your unique Career Navigation link to access this page.