Your JOFI Job Fit Summary includes your career interests profile and your personality traits profile.
Your career interests profile describes what you like to do at work. These are your top three work preferences. Jobs and work assignments that align with your work preferences will be interesting and engaging.
Download Your Job Fit Summary
Your personality traits profile is a summary of your most visible natural behaviors.
These personality traits indicate your top five behavioral skills and represent your character strengths. Work tasks that need these strengths will tend to feel natural or easy for you.
Jobs that align with your work preferences and your character strengths are jobs where you are most likely to perform well and enjoy your work.
Since you picked a target job with one of your highest five-star ratings, the characteristics in your Job Fit Summary align nicely with the requirements of the job. Practice describing these characteristics so you can use them to tell recruiters why you are a good candidate for the job.
You can download your Job Fit Summary here:
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